March 19, 2010

Antique Roadshow Article by Peter Cook

A number of folks have asked for copies of the article written by Peter Cook, an executive producer for the Antique Roadshow series.  In that article, which was published in the magazine, Professional Refinishing, June 2002, Mr. Cook says, "Let the record show that Antiques roadshow generally agrees with this notion:  Well-conceived and well-executed refinishing and restoration usually enhances the value of just about any piece of old furniture."

It is an article we use (with permission from the publisher) as a handout in our shop, and at shows.  It really helps people to understand that the furniture in their homes is not 'Roadshow' quality, or period, and that it is OK to have it refinished, restored, or professionally cared for.  If you have questions about refinishing old furniture, or if you might have customers who do, I suggest you make a copy of this article for your own use.  Again, we do have permission from the publisher to do this.

The article is posted on our website,  You can go there to get your copy, or you can just click this link, and it will take you to the Roadshow Article there.

Please feel free to use the 'comment' option below to add your 2-cents worth.

Tim B. Inman

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